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08/20/22 07:28 AM #2429    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Joanna - Sorry about your health issues.  Hope that you can soon be better able to safely get around.


1955 North Shepherd shopping center.  LA Fitness is there now.

Area map today shown below. The center was just north of St Matthews Methodist Church (4300 N Shepherd). Sears was at about 4100, south of the CVS. Apparently this map does not show the now-defunct Sears.

10/19/22 08:26 AM #2430    


Anita Marbury (Marbury)

Dear Waltrip friends, 

I'm sorry to miss the October get toghther. I hope to see you in the spring. 

I hope all of you are well an enjoying the fall. 

Colors in Colorado have been magnificent  due to the rain. 

Cool weather for Halloween brings it's own fun times. 

Take care of yourself an each other. 

I wear my Waltrip sweatshirt in Durango.


Sweetie  Marbury 


01/02/23 05:31 PM #2431    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Wishing you the very best for the new year!

May it be wonderful!

We’re doing fine here, still hunkering down.

Did you party on New Year's Eve?  We didn't. I had to get up early because I was substitute minister at 2 churches due to COVID.  That darn virus is affecting folks all around me, even here in the boondocks.

04/06/23 07:38 AM #2432    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Happy Easter!  Happy Spring!

Here in the mountains the dogwoods, daffodils, forsythia, and crocuses are blooming and the trees & plants are beginning to show little leaves.  A little lower down and we see flowering fruit trees, redbuds, and tulips blooming.  The temperature range is 40s - 70s.  I wish it would stay like that forever!

08/02/23 08:00 AM #2433    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Today is the birthday of Bernard Brady.  We've been friends from our days at Oak Forest Elementary and we were in Cub Scouts together. I recently heard from his wife Susan that he is no longer online, has been having dementia problems, and is in a memory unit.   Prayers and good wishes sent to him and his family.

08/03/23 10:31 AM #2434    

Larry Cooper

Thanks Steve for sharing about Bernard    I was also in the same cub scout  den  and only have the greatest memories of those days.  Bernard was and is one of the nicest people  I have ever known !

08/03/23 05:16 PM #2435    


Linda Marmion (Linder)

This getting old stuff is not a golden age for everyone. I hated learning that Bernard is having problems. He was such a cute guy in high school, and he became a really nice, bright, and handsome man.  My prayers are with him. 

08/04/23 06:10 PM #2436    


Ann Robin Trimble (Haney)

Praying that our Lord wraps his loving arms around Bernard. I remember him well as being very sweet and liked by classmates. I hope his journey is filled with loving, caring people surrounding him.

09/13/23 09:44 AM #2437    


Linda Marmion (Linder)

  It's sad to learn that we've lost another friend and classmate. Orville Neeley was such a nice guy. He seemed to know everyone, and he'll be missed.

   Friends, getting together with one another is so important. Our high school days were wonderful and although we've gone many different ways it's great to stay in touch. Our Ram Jams are a great way visit with long time friends. The next one is coming up. It doesn't cost anything and is very casual. Check the website for information. We hope to see you there!

10/03/23 08:49 PM #2438    

Jerry Russell

Just now got this message:!/Obituary

RIP James. You were a shining star in our class  May God hold his family in His Loving Arms  


10/17/23 08:06 PM #2439    


Stephen Ray Puckett

We stopped by Flat Rock NC (Asheville area) for a nice visit with Pat Bissonnet and her husband Stan.  Very nice and lots of fun. Our own mini Ram Jam...or something like that.  

Aren't we cute?  My wife Lil, me, Pat, Stan.

We drove back home on the Blue Ridge Parkway to enjoy the fantastic Fall leaf color. Snow had already blocked the Parkway near Mt Mitchell!  It was a wonderful trip for us.

Happy Fall!


01/01/24 04:32 PM #2440    


Stephen Ray Puckett

03/31/24 08:44 PM #2441    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Happy Easter everybody!  Enjoy your Spring!

06/01/24 02:06 PM #2442    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Happy Summer!  I know it isn't officially Summer yet but it sure feels like it.  Ready for Summer fun?

Memories of fun at the beach:

07/05/24 07:38 AM #2443    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Those crazy gym suits were in use through the late 1970s! The ads are from 1955 and 1973.


The junior high onesie was even worse.

07/06/24 02:01 PM #2444    


Hilda Carol Smith (Godell)

They were horrid and had to be ironed!! Always wondered who thought those were a thing??

07/11/24 12:40 PM #2445    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Shelley Duvall 1949-2024 R.I.P. Most of us were in school with her. She lived in Lazybrook.

Shelley in the 1965 yearbook:

Her senior entry in 1967:

"Hello.  I'm Shelley Duvall"

Shelley Duvall, the intrepid, Texas-born movie star whose wide-eyed, winsome presence was a mainstay in the films of Robert Altman and who co-starred in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining,” has died. She was 75.

Duvall died Thursday in her sleep at her home in Blanco, Texas, her longtime partner, Dan Gilroy, announced. The cause was complications of diabetes, said her friend, the publicist Gary Springer.

“My dear, sweet, wonderful life, partner, and friend left us last night,” Gilroy said in a statement. “Too much suffering lately, now she’s free. Fly away beautiful Shelley.”

Duvall was attending junior college in Texas when Altman’s crew members, preparing to film “Brewster McCloud,” encountered her as at a party in Houston in 1970. They introduced her to the director, who cast her “Brewster McCloud” and made her his protege.

Duvall would go on to appear in Altman films including “Thieves Like Us,” “Nashville, “Popeye,” “Three Women” and “McCabe & Ms. Miller.”

“He offers me damn good roles,” Duvall told The New York Times in 1977. “None of them have been alike. He has a great confidence in me, and a trust and respect for me, and he doesn’t put any restrictions on me or intimidate me, and I love him. I remember the first advice he ever gave me: ‘Don’t take yourself seriously.’”

Duvall, gaunt and gawky, was no conventional Hollywood starlet. But she had a beguiling frank manner and exuded a singular naturalism. The film critic Pauline Kael called her the “female Buster Keaton.”

At her peak, Duvall was a regular star in some of the defining movies of the 1970s and 1980s. In “The Shining,” she played Wendy Torrance, who watches in horror as her husband, Jack (Jack Nicholson), goes crazy while their family is isolated in the Overlook Hotel. It was Duvall’s screaming face that made up half of the film’s most iconic image, along with Jack’s axe coming through the door.

Kubrick, a famous perfectionist, was notoriously hard on Duvall in making “The Shining.” His methods of pushing her through countless takes in the most anguished scenes took a toll on the actor. Some saw Kubrick’s treatment as bordering on torture; one scene was reportedly performed in 127 takes.

Duvall, in an interview in 1981 with People magazine said she was crying “12 hours a day for weeks on end” during the film’s production.

“I will never give that much again,” said Duvall. “If you want to get into pain and call it art, go ahead, but not with me.”

Duvall disappeared from movies almost as quickly as she arrived in them. By the 1990s, she began retiring from acting and retreated from public life.

“How would you feel if people were really nice, and then, suddenly, on a dime, they turn on you?” Duvall told the Times earlier this year. “You would never believe it unless it happens to you. That’s why you get hurt, because you can’t really believe it’s true.”

Duvall, the oldest of four, was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on July 7, 1949. Her father, Robert worked in law and her mother, Bobbie, in real estate.

Duvall moved back to Texas in the mid-1990s. Around 2002, after making the comedy “Manna from Heaven,” she retreated from Hollywood completely. Her whereabouts became a favorite topic of internet sleuths. A favorite but incorrect theory was that it was residual trauma from the grueling shoot for “The Shining.” Another was that the damage to her home after the Northridge Earthquake was the last straw.

To those living in Texas Hill Country, where Duvall lived for some 30 years, she was neither in “hiding” nor a recluse; But her circumstances were a mystery to both the media and many of her old Hollywood friends. That changed in 2016, when producers for the Dr. Phil show tracked her down and aired a controversial hourlong interview with her in which she spoke about her mental health issues. “I’m very sick. I need help,” Duvall said on the program, which was widely criticized for being exploitative.

“I found out the kind of person he is the hard way,” Duvall told The Hollywood Reporter in 2021.

THR journalist Seth Abramovitch wrote at the time that he went on a pilgrimage to find her because, “it didn’t feel right for McGraw’s insensitive sideshow to be the final word on her legacy.”

Duvall attempted to restart her career, dipping her toe in with the indie horror “The Forest Hills” that filmed in 2022 and premiered quietly in early 2023.

12/30/24 02:37 PM #2446    


Patricia Bissonnet (Bissonnet)

I found this video on You Tube.  Thought all of you might enjoy it.  "This is Waltrip"  shows activites at the school as it is today.  Quite a change since 1965!

You can also access it by going to You Tube and search for ThisIsWaltrip--no spaces between the words. 

See you all at the 60th reunion in April!  You should be getting your invitation soon!

12/31/24 01:07 PM #2447    


Tom Britton

Wow! A "new" Waltrip. Makes me want to go back to High School. :-)

01/01/25 09:54 AM #2448    

David -Buzz Buvinghausen

I've not been on the Waltrip campus since graduating in 1965. Looks dramatically different than it did in 1965! Looks better and "freasher" than it did 60 years ago...... Looks as though there are numerous technology programs now being offered! I'm impressed knowing that the school has progressed over the past 6 decades! Kudos to Waltrip High School!

01/01/25 04:31 PM #2449    


Patricia Bissonnet (Bissonnet)

I'm giving you a "like" Buzz and Tom!  See you at the reunion!


01/01/25 07:12 PM #2450    


Stephen Ray Puckett

Waltrip looks Amazing!   Thanks!


Happy New Year everybody!

01/02/25 08:43 PM #2451    


Genie Hackenjos (Kistler)

Wow, Pat!  Thanks for sharing.  Also thanks for being the first person since July to post anything here!  I had been wondering if it was still a working site!  

Gary and I have officially retired to Arkansas.  I retired in 2010, but it was hard for  him to give up the farm, until he no longer could do the physical stuff required.  So while we have been wintering here for 14 years, we are now here full time.  We still visit SD to see his kids, but this is "home"!

01/06/25 08:06 AM #2452    

William Polk (Polk)

Welcome home Genie

02/02/25 02:01 PM #2453    


Anita Marbury (Marbury)

Hey, friends!

It is time to send in your money for the reunion on April 26. 

I am looking forward to seeing all of you. 





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