David George

Profile Updated: February 1, 2011
David George
Residing In: San Antonio, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Cherie
Occupation: Pastor
Children: Aimee, born 1974; Michael, born 1976
Military Service: Air Force  
David George


Yes! Attending Reunion

Graduated form Texas A&M, 1969
USAF, 1969-1999
Consultant, Realtor, 1999-2004
Senior Adult Pastor, 2004-

I grew up in a Christian home and at age nine I “walked the aisle” and was baptized, primarily because that’s what was expected of me. I continued to attend church and study the Bible there, memorizing passages as a requirement for Sunday School, Training Union, and Royal Ambassadors. When I went off to college, I felt I could finally shed the “Jesus game” I had been playing and find out what was the “real” meaning of life. I studied Eastern philosophies which were popular in the mid-1960’s, but did not find anything that rang true. Halfway through my freshman year I began to date again the woman who would later become my wife, Cherie. I say again because we had dated in high school but I broke up with her to “play the field”. She had become a Christian at an early age and was not impressed with my “worldliness”. When I began to get serious about our relationship, she stopped me and said she could not get serious about me because I was obviously not a Christian. That startled me and I began to re-think all I had learned about God and Jesus, coming to the realization that what I knew in my head was what I now needed to apply in heart and life. In February, 1967, in my sophomore year, at age 19, I accepted Jesus and was baptized as a true believer.

God has grown and blessed us in many ways through the years. We have two adult children who came to know Jesus at an early age. They both married godly spouses. Our son’s wife passed away from cancer at age 28, but the Lord has led him to a new godly woman and I had the privilege of marrying them in December 2007.

There have been several of what I would call “long poles in my spiritual tent”. One of those was when I was introduced to Campus Crusade for Christ witnessing techniques early in our marriage. Shortly after that, I read, for the first time, Watchman Nee’s book, “The Normal Christian Life”, although I did not really get what he was saying until I came here and saw Bill Gillam’s “The Life” video series and then followed with Bill Loveless’s teachings on “The Key to Abundant Living”. Another significant event was when I attended my first Bill Gothard seminar in the early 1980’s. His insight into Biblical principles led me to reorganize my priorities into God first, family second, and job third. We began family Bible studies and scripture memorization with our children at that time.

God prepared me for a career in the Air Force with a dream to be an Air Force pilot, a dream which He fulfilled, but not after He had taught me some valuable lessons about how I was to deal with Him. When I was twelve years old, I saw an Air Force recruiting commercial and was hooked on wanting to be a pilot. I directed all my energies toward that goal from that point on. I was an honor student, an athlete, and, my senior year in high school, student body president. I had two political appointments to the Air Force Academy and I thought I was on my way. Then I flunked the physical. I had an operation when I was ten years old to remove a benign tumor in my chest. The history of that surgery disqualified me for pilot training and, as a result at that time, from the Air Force Academy. But plan “B” was always to go to Texas A&M, so I did. At the end of my sophomore year, I was to sign an ROTC contract and was offered a non-flying contract – same problem. I declined. Upon graduation in 1969, I went into Air Force Office Training School as a pilot candidate, but came out as an aircraft maintenance officer – same problem, again. When I got to my first base, I decided to try for a waiver from the flight surgeon to get into pilot training. Basically, prior to this, I had been telling God I would do anything He wanted me to do with my life, as long as it was flying – and I wasn’t getting very far. I decided if the fight surgeon’s waiver came back denied, I would tell God that I would do anything He wanted me to do with my life, even if it wasn’t flying. Six months later I was in pilot training. The lesson God wanted me to learn was that we don’t make deals with Him – we come to Him on His terms or not at all. Now, I’ve had to re-learn that lesson on occasion, but it has generally stuck with me.

Throughout my Air Force career, God continued to grow and use us. I was a music minister in our church in Japan and was ordained a deacon there in 1977. I continued to serve in various assignments as music director, SS teacher, Discipleship Training Director, Deacon, and Chairman of Deacons. Upon my retirement from the Air Force in 1999, God led us to San Antonio and to Castle Hills First Baptist Church. I began leading the Senior Adult choir (the Glory Land Singers) in 2002, and was serving as Vice Chairman of Deacons when, in 2004, I was asked to come on staff part time as the Senior Adult Pastor. God has continued to grow and bless us here and I look forward to seeing what exciting things He has in store for us.

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