Waltrip High School
Class Of 1965
Carolyn Johnson Blake
Residing In: | Aurora, CO USA |
Occupation: | Blissfully retired! |
Children: | Mark, born 1968 Matthew, born 1971 David, born 1974 Daniel, born 1979 Tobias, foster More…son, born 1974, died, 2002 Grandchildren Tobias, Lily Rose Spritual daughter Yan Jing, Shanghai China, born 1991 Foster son Ionut Dediu, Barlad, Romania, born 1987 |
I am home from Barlad, Romania now. I loved it there and were it not for the impossible visa requirements, I would have stayed. I am now home in the good ol' USA, living in Aurora, CO. I taught conversational English to children while in Romania, and I had a rich life there. I raised a big family and went through several huge life changes. Got a Magna Cum Laude degree in Anthropology, joined Mensa, did a lot of grad work, have several grandchildren. Worked in petrochemical engineering in Houston for a long time. My son David is a musician and famous tattoo artist in Aurora CO. I had an adopted son who died of cancer. I have a spiritual daughter Yan Jing who lived with us in 2006/7 as a high school exchange student, now in college in Beijing. I have lived in Romania, Turkey, Moldova, Portugal, Morocco, South Carolina, Florida, California, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, and now in Aurora, CO. I spent a lot of time in Austin and did the hippie thing full out. I am a recently converted Catholic, and in addition, I have an East Indian spiritual teacher, and lived on a few communes in the 60's...pretty crazy! I spent an extended stay in India with my Teacher in 1981. Stayed close with music all my life and still go to rock concerts. I sport a tattoo from my son Evildave...who is not evil at all! I moved to Eastern Romania in 2007, came back, then went back in 2009, to be sole family to 2 boys who lost everything in 2006.
I spent a year in a seaside village in Turkey with English friends, while I worked with getting a long term Romanian visa. Sadly I was only able to stay there 7 years, but long enough to get my RO son raised up.
Music was my school life, played the cello in orchestra all the way through at Black Jr. High and Waltrip,and the herald trumpet in the Imperial Guard. I mostly remember all those wonderful experiences playing and hanging out with the other musicians (I recently acquired a cello and I am working on recovering my skills).
I remember the day Kennedy was killed..I was in study hour in the library when the shocking news came. I had played cello with our Waltrip orchestra - Hail To The Chief - for him the night before when he spoke at the Coliseum, the last time he heard it in his life.
Carolyn's Latest Interactions
Happy Birthday Suzanne. I remember very clearly our time together all those years ago. We had a lot of fun in those days. I pray you are well and happy.
Posted on: May 08, 2023 at 1:34 PM
Hello all my old friends,
You have not heard from me in a very long time. I have been gravely ill but with God's grace I am getting back on my feet. For the last 6 years I have suffered with trigeminal neuralgia, a pain so debilitating it is difficult to describe. I was on 3 different anticonvulsants which make one into a zombie. Finally last February my neurologist chose brain surgery for me, to restructure the nerve area in my brain causing the pain. Miraculously I awoke in recovery pain free. Over the last months I have been weaned off the medications, and I feel like my old self. Recovery is slow but steady and will return me to normal. I have been following posts here and keeping up with you all with regular phone visits with our friends Steve Puckett and Barb Johnson. It's great to have been able to stay in touch all these decades, and many thanks for the hard work of our classmates who created this site for us.
Happy Birthday my good friend Steve. I am so happy we have kept our connection over all these years. I hope you have a really fun day.
Happy Birthday Steve. I sent you an email a couple of days ago and I hope you received it. You are one month and 4 days younger than I! I will call you soon and we can catch up. Thanks for being a good friend all these years, not just to me, but to all your classmates.
Well, darn...such sad news. What an amazing life he had. Our world was definitely a better place due to his presence. To his family, I am so sorry and I know you miss him terribly.
love to you all,
To Eileen's family I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your loss of your beloved Eileen. I remember her as kind and smart and very friendly to her fellow students. My heart goes out to all of you, and her friends, and I pray for you to have strength through this difficult time. I read that she was a writer of Christian fiction and I plan to search out her books. Love, Carolyn
Jack, I am so sorry for your loss. I have not seen Sandy since high school, but I remember her well as a sparking light, beautiful and kind. God bless you and your family.
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